December 10, 2022

Eligor was a minor enemy that could be fought in the Train Graveyard during the original game. His role in the Remake has been expanded, however, and he has even been given his own little bit of in-game lore. In addition to the story of the Black Wind abducting children and trapping their spirits in…

December 8, 2022

In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Gilgamesh was a cult hero who was later deified, though many scholars believe him to have been a historic king who lived approximately 4,500 years ago. He features most prominently in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a series of poems recounting his adventures. Among them are stories of the great warrior battling…

December 5, 2022

Since the release of its inaugural title in 1987, the Final Fantasy series has borrowed concepts and monsters from several contemporary sources, most notably the bestiaries of Dungeons and Dragons. Perhaps the most famous inspiration that significantly differs from its mythological roots is Bahamut, the King of Dragons in the tabletop game, but named after…